The Missions Team provides Blessing Bags at our outreach events, to provide essentials for those in need. We also encourage our Trinity family to keep a few bags in their cars, to offer help to someone they may encounter, while also creating an opportunity to share the reason we provide these blessing bags - hope in Jesus Christ! We have heard amazing stories of how the Lord is using these simple gifts to meet immediate needs and open doors to share "the hope that is within you, with gentleness and respect" (1 Peter 3:15).
Please consider helping us by donating any of the following items that we include in the Blessing Bags: travel size toothpaste, shampoo & lotion, as well as soap, deoderant, body wipes and socks. The church provides a Gospel of John in each bag as well. You can provide a financial donation via our giving page to help purchase more!
We encourage you to get involved and take advantage of our monthly opportunities to reach out to the community, as we continue to "learn, grow and serve" together!