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We are called to be disciples that make disciples. At Trinity, we use this Discipleship Pathway to help us follow the Great Commission given to us by Jesus in Matthew 28. 

Discipleship Pathway Introduction Slides_CorrectedGray_FINAL(Presentation Size (169))

The Discipleship Pathway always begins with trusting in Jesus for salvation. Click below to find relevant scriptures and learn more. The pathway is not linear, and we are called to grow in each of these 12 key areas. Explore and learn more about each Discipleship Pathway below!

DP EMAIL HEADER TrustJesusSalvation  (7 x 5 in) (Email Header) (2)

DP EMAIL HEADER GetBaptized  (7 x 5 in) (Email Header)

DP WEB HEADER TellYourStory  (7 x 5 in) (Email Header) (2)

DP WEB HEADER SpendTimeJesus  (7 x 5 in) (Email Header)

DP WEB HEADER DiscoverSpiritualGifts  (7 x 5 in) (Email Header)DP WEB HEADER GetIntoCommunity  (7 x 5 in) (Email Header)DP WEB HEADER ServeInChurch  (7 x 5 in) (Email Header)

DP WEB HEADER LearnGenerous  (7 x 5 in) (Email Header)DP WEB HEADER TakeGraceWorld  (7 x 5 in) (Email Header)DP WEB HEADER UnderstandGraceBetter  (7 x 5 in) (Email Header)DP WEB HEADER PracticeGraceOthers  (7 x 5 in) (Email Header)DP WEB HEADER HelpOthers  (7 x 5 in) (Email Header)